Law Enforcement District Proposition
(One-Quarter (1/4%) Percent Sales and Use Tax Renewal)
Shall the Calcasieu Parish Law Enforcement District be authorized to renew, levy and continue to collect a tax of one-quarter (1/4%) percent upon the sale at retail, the use, the consumption, the distribution, the storage for use or consumption, and the lease or rental, of each item or article of tangible personal property and on all sales of services, as defined by law, an estimated $16,200,000.00 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for one entire year, for a period of ten (10) years, with said renewal beginning on October 1, 2023 and expiring on September 30, 2033, and after paying reasonable and necessary costs/expenses of collecting and administering the tax, the proceeds to be utilized for the purpose of maintaining salary levels for deputies and providing future cost of living adjustments, funding drug education programs (such as D.A.R.E.) in our schools, maintaining funding levels in personnel and equipment for Narcotics, Patrol, Detective Divisions, funding operations for the Calcasieu Parish Jail and providing substance abuse and other counseling programs, and maintaining operating reserves as well as providing additional funding for the District?